Saturday, May 30, 2020

Nurture- Emotion Coaching

Emotion Coaching is a parenting technique developed by John ...
Emotion coaching is helping children understand what emotions they are feelings, what they mean, why they feel them, and then how to handle them. A big part of emotion coaching is teaching kids how to react appropriately to their emotions. 

Talking to children about their emotions and listening to them can make them feel loved and respected. Teaching your children how to appropriately act upon their emotions will also help them respect you and others. If they don't know how to handle or express the feeling of anger, they may be disrespectful and hurtful to others. But if they understand that they are angry, and that is okay, they may be able to calm themselves down and react in a healthy way. 

Studies have shown that the number one thing youth wish their parents did was spend more time talking to them. Sharing our feelings and how we react to them, and listening to their feelings can help children so much. I think that talking to someone about how you feel or what you are going through really helps you identify your emotions. It also creates a sense of belonging, which is so important for teenagers to feel. Emotion coaching can be used in a lot of everyday conversations with children. 

Emotion coaching is not just a one time lesson, it is an everyday conversation. 

I recommend watching these videos: 

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